Carrot Cake Muffins

Carrot Cake Muffins 1

Carrot Cake Muffins

1 Points Plus Value or 2 Smart Points Yields 48

Carrot cake Weight Watchers muffins sounded perfect. And they were. I made them and we had them for breakfast every day until they were done. They were absolutely delicious (and made me so excited to know I have a box of butter pecan cake mix in the cabinet too. I’m making those next).

Carrot Cake Muffins


  • One box carrot cake mix
  • One cup of Yoplait 100 Greek yogurt (vanilla)
  • One cup water


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350.
  2. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Spray a mini muffin pan with cooking spray. Fill each cavity halfway.
  4. Bake for about 10 minutes. The carrot cake muffins will be light and fluffy.